Goutte d'eau - a child support network

Goutte d’eau – a child support network (GEcsn) is a non-political, non-religious Swiss foundation. It was created in 1996 by a group of young people who, after discovering the extreme poverty and unsustainable conditions in which street children lived, decided to create a foundation to raise funds in Switzerland and build up projects in Cambodia to assist the country's most vulnerable and marginalised children. GEcsn started working in Cambodia in 1997 with street children and expanded its programs to safe migration in 1999 while working in Poipet at the border between Cambodia and Thailand. In 2001, GEcsn launched a large programs to prevent illegal migration and assist victims of trafficking with the Thai and Cambodian governments, UNICEF, IOM and different Cambodian NGO's. GEcsn quickly noticed that many children repatriated from Thailand had intellectual disabilities, making them more ‘profitable’ by attracting more sympathy than other children when begging in major Thai cities like Bangkok. The goal of GEcsn has always been the rehabilitation and reintegration of children with their families and communities but this has been challenging for children with strong intellectual disabilities. Since there were no programs dedicated to these children in Cambodia, GEcsn started a pioneer project in 2003 to offer them shelter and education. By 2014, the children originally welcomed in the project had become young adults and could not continue living with the younger beneficiaries. As there were no projects to welcome young adults with intellectual disabilities in Cambodia, GEcsn supported the decision of its partner Damnok Toek ('Goutte d'eau Cambodia') to build its own new and innovative program, the Kep Farm - a living place and social enterprise for young adults with intellectual disabilities.
Projekte Kontaktinformationen
  1. Zweck (SHAB)

    Die Stiftung bezweckt: Einrichtungen und Betriebe von Heimen für obdachlose und hilfsbedürftige Personen mit angegliedertem Gemeinschaftszentrum in Kambodscha. Sicherzustellen, dass die betreuten Personen Nahrung, Unterkunft und Ausbildung erhalten. Die Entsendung von qualifiziertem Personal, die das einheimische Personal beim Aufbau und Betrieb des Heimes und des Gemeinschaftszentrums unterstützt. Die Förderung gleicher oder ähnlicher Projekte. Die Stiftung hat gemeinnützigen Charakter, ist nicht gewinnorientiert und verfolgt keinerlei Erwerbszweck.

  2. Die wichtigsten Punkte in Kürze

    Goutte d’eau – a child support network (GEcsn) is a non-political, non-religious Swiss foundation. It was created in 1996 by a group of young people who, after discovering the extreme poverty and unsustainable conditions in which street children lived, decided to create a foundation to raise funds in Switzerland and build up projects in Cambodia to assist the country's most vulnerable and marginalised children. GEcsn started working in Cambodia in 1997 with street children and expanded its programs to safe migration in 1999 while working in Poipet at the border between Cambodia and Thailand. In 2001, GEcsn launched a large programs to prevent illegal migration and assist victims of trafficking with the Thai and Cambodian governments, UNICEF, IOM and different Cambodian NGO's. GEcsn quickly noticed that many children repatriated from Thailand had intellectual disabilities, making them more ‘profitable’ by attracting more sympathy than other children when begging in major Thai cities like Bangkok. The goal of GEcsn has always been the rehabilitation and reintegration of children with their families and communities but this has been challenging for children with strong intellectual disabilities. Since there were no programs dedicated to these children in Cambodia, GEcsn started a pioneer project in 2003 to offer them shelter and education. By 2014, the children originally welcomed in the project had become young adults and could not continue living with the younger beneficiaries. As there were no projects to welcome young adults with intellectual disabilities in Cambodia, GEcsn supported the decision of its partner Damnok Toek ('Goutte d'eau Cambodia') to build its own new and innovative program, the Kep Farm - a living place and social enterprise for young adults with intellectual disabilities.

  3. Ziele

    GEcsn's main goals are: - Prevention of child abuse, substance abuse, and child trafficking (internal and cross-border); - Rehabilitation of under-age substance abusers and traumatized children; - Education through formal and informal programs, and vocational training. - Reintegration of trafficked and runaway children into their communities and, when possible, their families. - Care for children, youth and young adults with physical and/or intellectual disabilities (physical and occupational therapies, as well as specialised education).

  4. Grundsätze

    GEcsn's vision is to give equal access to children’s rights to all vulnerable and marginalized children in Cambodia, including children victims of trafficking, children working and living in the street, children victims of any kind of abuse or exploitation, children suffering from substance abuse, and children with physical and/or mental disabilities. GEcsn's mission is to work with local organizations caring for the most vulnerable and marginalized children of Cambodia with the support of local communities as well as representatives from the government and civil organizations.

  5. Massnahmen

    GEcsn achieves its goals by working closely with its Cambodian partner, Damnok Toek, and constantly adapting its programs to the changing context on the ground.

  6. Finanzierung

    GEcsn finances its programs thanks to the donations it receives from its pool of about 1'200 individual donors as well as with the grants from private foundations and institutional / public organisations.