We are unique in linking high quality generic Sexual and Reproductive Health medicines with low cost. Presently Concept Foundation has the position and reputation as one of the go-to organizations for quality of reproductive health products and is an important player in public-private partnerships.
Assister les agences des Nations Unies ainsi que les organisations internationales, les organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG), les organes gouvernementaux et toutes autres entités dont le but est d'introduire des technologies de la santé dans les pays en développement; promouvoir la planification familiale et la santé sexuelle et génésique en améliorant l'accessibilité, la réception et l'utilisation des technologies; fournir au secteur public des pays à revenu bas et moyens l'accès à des produits de bonne qualité actifs dans le domaine de la santé sexuelle et génésique et à des prix les plus bas possible; adapter et transposer aux pays en développement les technologies et les produits dont la but est d'améliorer et d'étendre l'accessibilité de la planification familiale et de la santé sexuelle et génésique; compiler les données scientifiques et techniques sur la planification familiale ainsi que les technologies relatives à la santé sexuelle et génésique pour le compte des pays intéressés et rendre ces données accessibles à ces pays; toutes activités aptes à améliorer la santé et le bien-être des individus dans les pays en développement. Mention d'une réserve de modification du but en faveur des fondateurs selon l'art. 86a CC.
We are unique in linking high quality generic Sexual and Reproductive Health medicines with low cost. Presently Concept Foundation has the position and reputation as one of the go-to organizations for quality of reproductive health products and is an important player in public-private partnerships.
With our uniquely broad expertise, we address systemic factors that explain why so many women still lack access to basic and life-saving medicines; and why non-quality-assured medicines are still produced, sold and used. And we take measures that practically improve access to medicines, where they are needed the most. - Conduct research to find innovative solutions to women’s health issues, - Identify trustworthy, local manufacturers and support them with technology transfer, to increase the production of quality-assured medicines, - Leverage our regulatory expertise, and also engage with local communities, to make sure that safe and effective products actually enter countries in need, are used in hospitals, and reach the hands of women and girls who need them. Our broad range of current projects include: - Supporting access to a new medicine that remains effective in higher temperatures – an innovation that can have a game-changing impact in preventing mothers from dying in Africa and other regions, where hot and humid climates tend to compromise the quality of basic medicines. - Leading the world’s largest clinical trial on the use of aspirin to prevent pre-eclampsia among pregnant women, a leading cause of maternal and newborn deaths. - Challenging gender inequalities, by investigating why women are excluded from medical research - even when this research is exploring medicines meant to address women’s specific health needs.
We are trusted by a range of international donors: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation UNDP-UNFPA-UNICEF-WHO-World Bank Human Reproduction Special Programme (HRP) J&J Foundation CIFF (Children’s Investment Fund Foundation) MSD for Mothers Grand Challenges Canada University of Birmingham Global Financing Facility Ferring Pharmaceuticals.